My document

Documenting my 30 day challenge

New challenges!

Hi! It's been a while.

I'm going to start a new 30-days-challenge today!

30-DAYS-PIANO challenge!

I'm going to practice the piano an hour a day until the end of September.

I've never played piano. I'm really looking forward to see how much will my piano skills get better.   

AND! I have another challenge. I have nothing to do because of the coronavirus.

I decided to take a vocal lesson! September is like music month for me. I wish I could sing with the piano.


I like Sam Smith a lot. So... I'm gonna sing and play his song: TO DIE FOR.

There are a lot of video teaching how to play the song in Youtube. I love the internet!

It's so genius!



どうも! 久々の投稿ですがいきなり新たな30日間挑戦始めます。





最終的にはサム・スミスのTO DIE FORを弾き語れたらいいなと思います。

前回の30日間洋楽ディクテーションチャレンジの最終目標がエミネムのrap godを聴き取りたいという無謀な目標を立てていたので今回は現実的に実行できそうな目標にしました。歌は上手いか下手かの問題なのでどうでもいいけど、ピアノは弾けるか弾けないか如実に目標達成か否かがわかるので結果がわかりやすくてよろしいですね。





If you run after two hares, you will not catch either one. 

I'm gonna chase more than two rabits!!!





Thank you for reading!